Tips for Website Success - Proper Indexing

Unlock your website's true potential with the power of proper indexing! Discover why indexing matters for online success and how to ensure your site is on the right track. Don't let your website get lost in the digital wilderness – reach out to today for a professional website checkup.


Kent Marrero

9/9/20233 min read

a white robot holding a magnifying glass next to a white box
a white robot holding a magnifying glass next to a white box

Why Is My Website Not Performing?

Are you frustrated because your website isn't delivering the results you expected? Is it lost in the digital wilderness, struggling to attract visitors and achieve your online goals? If you're nodding your head in agreement, you're not alone. We're going to dive into a critical aspect of website performance that often goes unnoticed by many: Indexing. Don't worry if you need to become more familiar with this term; we'll break it down for you in a way that's easy to understand.

What is Website Indexing?

Imagine your website as a massive library of books (webpages) containing valuable information. Now, think of indexing as the library's catalog or a roadmap that helps people find the right books. In the digital world, search engines like Google are the librarians, and indexing is the process they use to organize and understand the content on your website. They need this catalog to recommend your web pages to people searching for relevant information.

Why Does Indexing Matter?

1. Boosting Visibility

Could you think about the last time you used a search engine to find something online? You probably didn't look beyond the first page of results. Well, that's where indexing comes into play. Properly indexed web pages are more likely to appear on that coveted first page, increasing your website's visibility to potential visitors.

2. Driving Traffic

Indexed content isn't just about being seen; it's also about attracting organic traffic. When your web pages are correctly indexed, they become more accessible to search engine users. This means more people can discover your content, and more visitors can flock to your site.3.

3. Expanding Audience Reach

The internet is vast, and indexing helps your website reach a broader audience. Your website can only be effective if it's visible from view. Effective indexing ensures that the right people see your web pages, expanding your online presence and helping you connect with a more extensive audience.

4. Elevating Performance

When it comes to competing for online success, every detail counts. Websites that are well-indexed perform better in search engine rankings. This means your site can outshine competitors and secure a more significant share of the online market.

Common Indexing Issues

Now that you understand why indexing is crucial, let's look at some common issues holding your website back.

1. Incomplete Indexing

Imagine our library catalog missing a few shelves of books. If some of your web pages aren't indexed, they won't appear in search results, causing you to miss out on potential visitors.

2. Slow Indexing

In the digital world, time is of the essence. If search engines take too long to index your new content, you'll miss opportunities to attract fresh traffic.

3. Duplicate Content

Imagine having the same book appear multiple times in the library catalog. Search engines don't like duplicate content, so your ranking might suffer if your website has it.

4. Technical Errors

Technical glitches can disrupt the indexing process. Broken links, faulty sitemaps, and server issues can hinder search engines' understanding of your site's structure and content.

How to Ensure Proper Indexing

Now that you're aware of the significance of indexing and potential pitfalls let's explore some essential steps to ensure your website is correctly indexed:

1. Create an XML Sitemap

Think of an XML sitemap as the master list of all your web pages. It helps search engines understand your website's structure and ensures they get all vital content.

2. Submit Your Sitemap to Search Engines

Please don't wait for search engines to find your sitemap independently; submit it directly to Google and Bing. This ensures they're aware of your website and can start indexing it promptly.

3. Optimize Your Content

Keywords are like the breadcrumbs that lead search engine users to your website. You can research and incorporate relevant keywords into your content to improve its indexability.

4. Regularly Update and Add Content

Keep your website fresh by regularly adding new content and updating existing pages. Search engines love fresh, relevant information.

5. Check for Technical Issues

Regularly audit your website for technical problems that may hinder indexing. Fix broken links, ensure proper redirects, and address server issues promptly.

Get Your Website Checkup Today!

Is your website still underperforming despite your best efforts? It might be time for a professional checkup. Kent Writes Stuff specializes in unlocking the potential of websites like yours. Our experts can diagnose indexing issues, optimize your content, and ensure your website reaches its full potential.

Don't stay lost in the digital wilderness. Reach out to today! Fill out our contact form or email us at, and let's get your website on the path to success.

Summing it Up

Indexing is the secret sauce behind a high-performing website. It's the key to increasing visibility, driving traffic, expanding your audience reach, and outperforming your competition. By addressing common indexing issues and following best practices, you can unlock the full potential of your website and achieve the online success you've been dreaming of.