Building Equitable Project Management - From Vision to Action

Discover the transformative synergy between contemporary workforce ideals and project management practices in our latest article. Learn how fostering collaboration, transparency, agility, empathy, and equal opportunity aligns with the values of the labor movement, reshaping the landscape for a fair and inclusive future. Read now to explore how businesses can lay the foundation for change and create nurturing environments for project managers to thrive.


Kent Marrero

8/30/20233 min read

person in red sweater holding babys hand
person in red sweater holding babys hand

Building Equitable Project Management.

In the dynamic landscape of today's workforce, a persistent call for fairness, inclusivity, and collaboration is catalyzing a profound reshaping of project management methodologies. As we pivot towards these emerging ideals, examining how businesses can lay a robust foundation early on to foster equitable access, recognize opportunity gaps, and create a nurturing environment that grows in tandem with project managers is imperative.

1) Fostering Collaboration and Inclusivity:

Much like the ethos of the labor movement, which champions collaboration and inclusivity, modern project management is evolving into an arena where all perspectives hold significance. Emulating how unions amplify individual worker voices, forward-looking project management practices actively encourage input from every team member, regardless of their roles. This synergy of diverse insights fuels innovation and cultivates a shared sense of ownership.

Research consistently demonstrates that diverse teams outperform homogeneous ones. Inclusive teams are 21% more likely to achieve above-average profitability. This empirical data underscores the value of integrating diverse perspectives into project management. In 2019, the MPI Board of Directors reaffirmed their commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, reaffirming a drive to action the supporting data.

2) Prioritizing Transparency and Agility:

Project management is embracing transparency and agility to mirror the movement's transparent approach to opportunities. Conventional, rigid methodologies are yielding to adaptive frameworks that resonate with the movement's ability to adapt to change swiftly. Open and candid communication about project goals, progress, and challenges nurtures trust and empowers teams to contribute, perfectly aligning with the movement's commitment to openness.

Organizations prioritizing transparency and open communication experience higher levels of employee engagement, resulting in a 17% increase in project success rates. This statistic highlights the tangible impact of transparent communication in project management.

3) Prioritizing Empathy and Well-being:

In line with the labor movement's emphasis on continuous learning and adaptability, project management embraces agile methodologies that enable rapid adjustments. As unions evolve to meet workers' shifting needs, agile project management confronts project dynamics head-on. Moreover, project managers investing in continuous skill development mirror the movement's emphasis on personal and collective growth.

4) Prioritizing Empathy and Well-being:

The labor movement's advocacy for worker well-being aligns with project management's growing emphasis on empathy. Reflecting this, project managers increasingly recognize the importance of team members' mental and emotional health. Acknowledging the significance of work-life balance resonates with the movement's dedication to holistic well-being.

5) Equitable Opportunity for All:

Project management is also undergoing transformation, parallel to the movement's mission of dismantling barriers and ensuring equal opportunities. Striving for equitable access to growth and leadership opportunities mirrors the movement's pursuit of fairness. Project managers actively ensure that every team member, regardless of background, can contribute and excel, thus manifesting the principles of the movement.

6) Laying a Foundation for Change: Early and Inclusive:

For businesses to effectively embrace these changes, the imperative lies in laying a robust foundation early on. This involves recognizing opportunity gaps and addressing the economic, class, and accommodation barriers often faced by minority talent. While many companies express interest in diversifying their talent pool, only some are prepared to offer support. Creating an inclusive environment and offering resources for professional development ensures that every project manager, regardless of background, can thrive and contribute meaningfully.

Summing it Up

The convergence of contemporary workforce ideals and project management marks a pivotal moment. By embracing collaboration, transparency, agility, empathy, and equal opportunity, project management aligns itself with these values, forging a new path for project execution while nurturing an environment of fairness. As we stride forward, intertwining these values into the project management fabric can pave the way for a future where every worker's voice is heard and opportunities are accessible to all.

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