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Our commitment to excellence goes above and beyond, as we strive to offer cutting-edge and creative solutions. Whether it's through captivating graphic designs or establishing a distinct brand identity, we provide a wide range of services that are just the starting point for what we can do.

Our team is constantly pushing boundaries and embracing new technologies, ensuring that we bring your vision to life in the most innovative and imaginative ways possible.
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Understand the importance of creating visually appealing and engaging designs to captivate your audience. Whether you need author support, graphic design or branding, we work closely with you to bring your vision to life. Our team is invested in your success, so elevate your content and simplify your life.
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Creative Writing Samples

In my writing sample from 2021, I intricately explore the theme of romantic tension, deliberately portraying a sense of restraint between the characters. Through flawed personalities, the narrative delves into the complexities of human emotions and the conflicts that arise from them.
Corporate Romance

Fantasy Fight Scene
Inspired by a client's prompt, this writing sample ignites the imagination and transports readers to a world of swords, sorcery, and epic conflicts. Witness the clash of mighty and unexpected warriors, their blades glinting in the sunlight as they engage in a fierce duel. Feel the adrenaline surge through your veins as you follow every parry, thrust, and spell cast.

Izzy's journey in this LGBTQ+ coming-of-age story takes readers on a heartfelt exploration of self-discovery and identity. As a Puerto Rican transplant living on the mainland, Izzy grapples with the feeling of being torn between two worlds. Longing for a sense of belonging, they find themselves neither fully fitting into the Americanized lifestyle nor feeling accepted by islanders. This poignant tale offers a unique perspective on the Puerto Rican Diaspora experience, shedding light on the challenges and triumphs of finding one's place in a world that often tries to define us.
YA Diaspora Story

This experimental work was created as part of a creative writing course, showcasing the author's exploration of these complex themes. It is worth noting that Battle Scars was written before the widespread usage of "they" as a gender pronoun, which adds an additional layer of significance to its examination of gender identity. Through its storytelling, Battle Scars challenges societal norms and invites readers to question and reflect upon the fluidity of gender and the impact of gendered expectations on every LGBTQ+ individual.
2010s and Queerness

Confessions of a Teenage Glitter Queen is a compelling short story that explores the intricacies of adolescence and the obstacles confronted by young queer individuals in a society that claims to be forward-thinking. A distinctive and sarcastic narrative style, Confessions of a Teenage Glitter Queen depicts the lives of teenagers who are already struggling with the bewildering journey of puberty, self-exploration, and the development of their intricate identities. Amidst the existentialism of adolescence, news broadcasts in the backdrop, and blended with inconsistent adult behavior, Lauren is desperately holding onto their sense of self to maintain clarity, but almost to a fault. Will Lauren open herself to healthy change or hide in a closet of their own making?
YA Queer Discovery

Kent Writes Stuff
7901 4th St. N Ste 300
Saint Petersburg, Florida 33702
United States
🖥️ info@kentwritesstuff.com
📞 (904) 357-0591
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